Contoh Soal Relative Clause - In 2015, Bandung municipality, located in Java Island, finally will see the trophy of Adipura award again. Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil, who has been the caretaker of Bandung since 2013, stated that after 17 years failing to win this award, finally Bandung becomes the winner this year. Furthermore, he asked all people living in Bandung to work together to preserve the cleanliness of the city.

Contoh Soal B.Inggris
The text above is a newst that informed you about the winner of Adipura award 2015. Now, take a look at the following sentences found on the text:
- Bandung municipality, which is located in Java Island, finally will see the trophy of Adipura award again.
- Ridwan Kamil, who has become the caretaker of Bandung since 2013, stated that after 17 years failing to win this award, finally Bandung becomes the winner this year.
In the first sentence, the clause “which is located in Java Island” describes/identifies the phrase “Bandung municipality”. Then, in the second sentence, the clause “who has become the caretaker of Bandung since 2013” describes/identifies “Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil”.
Clauses “which is located in Java Island” and “who has become the caretaker of Bandung since 2013” are called relative clauses. If you see from the two examples above, can you define what relative clause is?
A relative clause is a clause which defines/identifies/describes nouns preceding it. A relative clause is generally preceded by a relative pronoun such as “who, which, whom, whose and that”.
My family and I are going to go to Paris, .... we have planned since a year ago.
The correct relative pronoun to fill the blank is....
Have you ever been to Sanur Beach, .... you can see the best sunrise in Bali?
You can complete the sentence by adding.....
The following sentences are using relative adverbs, EXCEPT...
The following sentences use correct relative clause, EXCEPT....
Pay attention to the following sentences:
- I sit on the armchair which is made from wood.
- I sit on the armchair, which is made from wood.
From the two sentences above, the following information are correct, EXCEPT...
The man standing in the podium in the last week’s championship is my uncle.
The above sentence is the short version of the following sentence.
Like1 - that2 - I3 - you4 - the girl5 - brought6 - Wina's7 - to8 - Last night9 - party10
Construct the above jumbled sentence to be the correct one. You may use comma(s) if it is needed.

Pay attention to the picture above. There are three dolls found in Joana’s room.

These are things Susan always puts on her table.
Choose the correct sentence.
A : Where do you live?
B : I live in Geger Kalong Girang, ....(1) is located near my campus.
A : Do you know the jitney ....(2) should be taken by me from Cicaheum?
B : That is simple. You can take the jitney ....(3) color is green. Its direction is to Ledeng.
A : Where should I stop?
B : You can stop at the gate of Geger Kalong Girang. My house is only five metres from it.
B : I live in Geger Kalong Girang, ....(1) is located near my campus.
A : Do you know the jitney ....(2) should be taken by me from Cicaheum?
B : That is simple. You can take the jitney ....(3) color is green. Its direction is to Ledeng.
A : Where should I stop?
B : You can stop at the gate of Geger Kalong Girang. My house is only five metres from it.
Complete the blanks with correct relative clause so you can make a complete conversation.
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