Feng Ti Mo 冯提莫 - Xiao Sa Zou Yi Hui 潇洒走一回【Walk Gracefully Once】[Pinyin,English Translation]

Feng Ti Mo 冯提莫 - Xiao Sa Zou Yi Hui 潇洒走一回【Walk Gracefully Once】[Pinyin,English Translation]


天地悠悠 过客匆匆 潮起又潮落
Tiāndì yōuyōu guòkè cōngcōng cháo qǐ yòu cháo luò
The world is leisurely passing hastily onwards like tides and ebb tides

恩恩怨怨 生死白头 几人能看透
En ēnyuàn yuàn shēngsǐ báitóu jǐ rén néng kàntòu
Love and hate, life and death, old age, a few people can see through

红尘啊滚滚 痴痴啊情深 聚散终有时
Hóngchén a gǔngǔn chī chī a qíng shēn jù sàn zhōng yǒushí
The world ah! billowing senselessly ah! affectionate parting final and sometimes

留一半清醒 留一半醉 至少梦里有你追随
Liú yībàn qīngxǐng liú yībàn zuì zhìshǎo mèng li yǒu nǐ zhuīsuí
Half sober, the remaining half drunk at least dream, there you follow

Wǒ ná qīngchūn dǔ míngtiān
I take the youth gambling tomorrow

Nǐ yòng zhēnqíng huàn cǐshēng
You use true feelings to change this life

岁月不知人间 多少的忧伤 
Suìyuè bùzhī rénjiān duōshǎo de yōushāng
Years of not know how much is the sadness of the world

Hébù xiāosǎ zǒu yī huí
Why not walk gracefully once

天地悠悠 过客匆匆 潮起又潮落
Tiāndì yōuyōu guòkè cōngcōng cháo qǐ yòu cháo luò
The world is leisurely passing hastily onwards like tides and ebb tides

恩恩怨怨 生死白头 几人能看透
En ēnyuàn yuàn shēngsǐ báitóu jǐ rén néng kàntòu
Love and hate, life and death, old age, a few people can see through

红尘啊滚滚 痴痴啊情深 聚散终有时
Hóngchén a gǔngǔn chī chī a qíng shēn jù sàn zhōng yǒushí
The world ah! billowing senselessly ah! affectionate parting final and sometimes

留一半清醒 留一半醉 至少梦里有你追随
Liú yībàn qīngxǐng liú yībàn zuì zhìshǎo mèng li yǒu nǐ zhuīsuí
Half sober, the remaining half drunk at least dream, there you follow
Wǒ ná qīngchūn dǔ míngtiān
I take the youth gambling tomorrow

Nǐ yòng zhēnqíng huàn cǐshēng
You use true feelings to change this life

岁月不知人间 多少的忧伤 
Suìyuè bùzhī rénjiān duōshǎo de yōushāng
Years of not know how much is the sadness of the world

Hébù xiāosǎ zǒu yī huí
Why not walk gracefully once

红尘啊滚滚 痴痴啊情深 聚散终有时
Hóngchén a gǔngǔn chī chī a qíng shēn jù sàn zhōng yǒushí
The world ah! billowing senselessly ah! affectionate parting final and sometimes

留一半清醒 留一半醉 至少梦里有你追随
Liú yībàn qīngxǐng liú yībàn zuì zhìshǎo mèng li yǒu nǐ zhuīsuí
Half sober, the remaining half drunk at least dream, there you follow

Wǒ ná qīngchūn dǔ míngtiān
I take the youth gambling tomorrow

Nǐ yòng zhēnqíng huàn cǐshēng
You use true feelings to change this life

岁月不知人间 多少的忧伤 
Suìyuè bùzhī rénjiān duōshǎo de yōushāng
Years of not know how much is the sadness of the world

Hébù xiāosǎ zǒu yī huí
Why not walk gracefully once

岁月不知人间 多少的忧伤 
Suìyuè bùzhī rénjiān duōshǎo de yōushāng
Years of not know how much is the sadness of the world

Hébù xiāosǎ zǒu yī huí
Why not walk gracefully once

歌词 Lyrics:




天地悠悠 过客匆匆 潮起又潮落
恩恩怨怨 生死白头 几人能看透

红尘啊滚滚 痴痴啊情深 聚散终有时
留一半清醒 留一半醉 至少梦里有你追随

岁月不知人间 多少的忧伤 

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