Mayday 五月天 - Wo Xin Zhong Shang Wei Beng Huai De Di Fang 我心中尚未崩坏的地方【The Yet Unbroken Part of My Heart】[Pinyin,English Translation]

Mayday 五月天 - Wo Xin Zhong Shang Wei Beng Huai De Di Fang 我心中尚未崩坏的地方【The Yet Unbroken Part of My Heart】[Pinyin,English Translation]


Xǐng zài mòshēng de dìfāng
Waking up in an unfamiliar place

Jìngtóu biàn chéngle dāoqiāng
The camera lens become a weapon

Eryǔ yě biàn chéngle zhēnxiàng
Whispers also become truth

吉他告别了肩膀 诗人弃守了边疆
Jítā gàobiéle jiānbǎng shīrén qì shǒule biānjiāng
Guitar leaving the shoulder, the poet forsakes the frontier

Wǒmen huó zài jùdà piàn chǎng
We live in a vast movie studio

幸运的孩子 爬上了殿堂
Xìngyùn de háizi pá shàngle diàntáng
The fortunate child, climbs up to the palace hall

Chéngguǒ dàijià dōu yào pǐncháng
Has tasted both successes and failures

单纯的孩子 是否变了样
Dānchún de háizi shìfǒu biànle yàng
The innocent child, has he been tainted

跟着游戏规则 学著成长
Gēnzhe yóuxì guīzé xuézhe chéngzhǎng
By following the rules of the game, learning how to grow up

轰轰烈烈的排行 沸沸扬扬的颁奖
Hōnghōng lièliè de páiháng fèifèiyángyáng de bānjiǎng
Spectacular chart rankings, swaggering awards

Gēnzhe jiézòu wǒ cháng míwǎng
Following the rhythm of it all I’m often disoriented

Dāng rénxīn biàn chéng shìchǎng
When a heart becomes a market

Dāng shìchǎng biàn chéng zhànchǎng
When a market becomes a battlefield

Zhànchǎng máizàng duōshǎo lǐxiǎng
How many dreams are buried in that battlefield

回想着理想 稀薄的希望
Huíxiǎngzhe lǐxiǎng xībó de xīwàng
Remembered dreams, diminished hopes

走着钢索 我的刚强
Zǒuzhe gāng suǒ wǒ de gāngqiáng
Walking a tightrope, my fortitude

伟大和伪装 灰尘或辉煌
Wěidà hé wèizhuāng huīchén huò huīhuáng
Greatness and falseness, dust or glory

那是一线之隔 或是一线曙光
Nà shì yīxiàn zhī gé huò shì yīxiàn shǔguāng
That’s a thin dividing line, or is it a ray of sunlight

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱
Měi gè gūdān tiānliàng wǒ dū yīgè rén chàng
Every lonely dawn I sing alone

默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
Mòmò de ràng zhè xuánlǜ hé wǒ xīn jiāoxiǎng
Quietly making this melody harmonize with my heart

就算会有一天 没人与我合唱
Jiùsuàn huì yǒu yītiān méi rén yǔ wǒ héchàng
If one day no one sings with me

至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方
Zhìshǎo zài wǒ de xīnzhōng hái yǒu gè shàngwèi bēng huài dì dìfāng
At least there’s a part of my heart that’s still not broken

歌手追逐销售量 记者追逐点击量
Gēshǒu zhuīzhú xiāoshòu liàng jìzhě zhuīzhú diǎn jí liàng
Singers pursue sales, reporters pursue clicks

Méiyǒu shéi bǐ shéi gèng shànliáng
Neither better than the other

Wúlùn tiānhòu huò tiānwáng
Whether heavenly queens or heavenly kings

Wúlùn xiǎobīng huò lǎojiàng
Whether young privates or old generals

Qǔ zhōng rén sàn dōu yào cāngliáng
When the song ends the people scatter, everything turns desolate

期待着彩虹 所以开了窗
Qídàizhuó cǎihóng suǒyǐ kāile chuāng
Anticipating a rainbow, you open a window

Chuāngwài zhǐyǒu zhuórè shǎnguāng
But outside there’s only bright lightning

所谓的彩虹 不过就是光
Suǒwèi de cǎihóng bùguò jiùshì guāng
That so-called rainbow is still just light

只要心还透明 就能折射希望
Zhǐyào xīn hái tòumíng jiù néng zhéshè xīwàng
If a heart is transparent enough it can refract hope

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱
Měi gè gūdān tiānliàng wǒ dū yīgè rén chàng
Every lonely dawn I sing alone

默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
Mòmò de ràng zhè xuánlǜ hé wǒ xīn jiāoxiǎng
Quietly making this melody harmonize with my heart

就算会有一天 没人与我合唱
Jiùsuàn huì yǒu yītiān méi rén yǔ wǒ héchàng
If one day no one sings with me

至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方
Zhìshǎo zài wǒ de xīnzhōng hái yǒu gè shàngwèi bēng huài dì dìfāng
At least there’s a part of my heart that’s still not broken

Qíshí wǒmen dōu yīmúyīyàng
Actually we’re all exactly the same

Wúmíng què chōngmǎnle mòmíng kěwàng
Nameless but filled with unnamed desires

一生等一次 发光
Yīshēng děng yīcì fāguāng
Waiting a lifetime for a chance to shine

Nìngyuàn zhòngshāng yě bù yuàn bēishāng
Willing to face injury, but not misery

Ràng shānghén biàn chéngle wǒ de huīzhāng
Let the scar become a badge

刺在我心脏 永远不忘
Cì zài wǒ xīnzàng yǒngyuǎn bù wàng
Carved onto my heart so I’ll never forget

默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
Mòmò de ràng zhè xuánlǜ hé wǒ xīn jiāoxiǎng
Quietly making this melody harmonize with my heart

至少在我的心中 自己为自己鼓掌
Zhìshǎo zài wǒ de xīnzhōng zìjǐ wèi zìjǐ gǔzhǎng
At least in my heart I can encourage myself

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱
Měi gè gūdān tiān liàng wǒ dū yīgè rén chàng
Every lonely dawn I sing alone

默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
Mòmò de ràng zhè xuánlǜ hé wǒ xīn jiāoxiǎng
Quietly making this melody harmonize with my heart

就算会有一天 没人与我合唱
Jiùsuàn huì yǒu yītiān méi rén yǔ wǒ héchàng
If one day there’s no one to sing with me

至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方
Zhìshǎo zài wǒ de xīnzhōng hái yǒu gè shàngwèi bēng huài dì dìfāng
At least there’s a part of my heart that’s still not broken

孩子一样 不肯腐烂的土壤
Háizi yīyàng bù kěn fǔlàn de tǔrǎng
Like a child, soil unwilling to decay

Zài chàng zài chàng zài chàng zài chàng zài chàng
Sing once more, sing once more

歌词 Lyrics:




吉他告别了肩膀 诗人弃守了边疆 

幸运的孩子 爬上了殿堂 
单纯的孩子 是否变了样 
跟着游戏规则 学著成长

轰轰烈烈的排行 沸沸扬扬的颁奖 

回想着理想 稀薄的希望 
走着钢索 我的刚强
伟大和伪装 灰尘或辉煌 
那是一线之隔 或是一线曙光

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱 
默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
就算会有一天 没人与我合唱 
至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方

歌手追逐销售量 记者追逐点击量 

期待着彩虹 所以开了窗 
所谓的彩虹 不过就是光 
只要心还透明 就能折射希望

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱 
默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
就算会有一天 没人与我合唱 
至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方

一生等一次 发光
刺在我心脏 永远不忘

默默的让这旋律 和我心交响 
至少在我的心中 自己为自己鼓掌

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱 
默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
就算会有一天 没人与我合唱 
至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方
孩子一样 不肯腐烂的土壤 

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