Tao Ching Ying 陶晶莹 - Wo Bu Zhu Fu 我不祝福【I’m Not Wishing You Happiness】

Tao Ching Ying 陶晶莹 - Wo Bu Zhu Fu 我不祝福【Aku Tidak Berharap Kamu Bahagia/ I’m Not Wishing You Happiness】

作曲:Clare Reynolds、Chad Richardson

几个字 写写停停 
Jǐ gè zì xiě xiě tíng tíng
Writing and stopping repeatedly just writing these few words

Wèile bǎochí lǐmào de yǔqì
All for the sake of sounding polite

几句话 断断续续 
Jǐ jù huà duànduànxùxù
A short conversations with pregnant pauses

Quèdìng wǒmen yǐjīng bù shúxī
I’m sure we are now strangers

偶尔我就恍了神 忘了现在的关系
Ou'ěr wǒ jiù huǎngle shén wàngle xiànzài de guānxì
Occasionally I forget that kind of relationship we now have

过去是过去 我的存在不再依赖你
Guòqù shì guòqù wǒ de cúnzài bù zài yīlài nǐ
But what’s over is over, I no longer rely on you from now on

最多几个深呼吸 最长几秒钟迟疑 
Zuìduō jǐ gè shēnhūxī zuì zhǎng jǐ miǎo zhōng chíyí
I’ll take a few more deep breathes, or a few more seconds of hesitance

Wǒ jiù huì fàngxià nǐ
Then I’ll be over you

我不说我祝福 我不祝你幸福
Wǒ bù shuō wǒ zhùfú wǒ bù zhù nǐ xìngfú
I’m not going to say I wishing for your happiness, because I am not wishing for it

我不想去证明 我们是个错误
Wǒ bùxiǎng qù zhèngmíng wǒmen shìgè cuòwù
I don’t want to be the one to prove that we are a mistake

Fàng dé xià jiù bù gūdú
I won’t be lonely once I can let go of this

Zhàn dé yuǎn xiē jiù qīngchǔ
I’ll see it clearer when I keep my distance

Wǒ bù zhùfú
I am not wishing you happiness

那天气 阴阴晴晴 
Nà tiānqì yīn yīn qíngqíng
The weather transforms constantly

Méiyǒu shìhé cháng zhù de wěndìng
It is devoid of stability that invites me to stay

这城市 来来去去 
Zhè chéngshì lái lái qù qù
People come and go around here

Wǒ yǐ xuéhuì chù jǐng bù shāng qíng
I’d learnt not to read too deeply into the familiar scenary

偶尔我就软了心 松了彼此的距离
Ou'ěr wǒ jiù ruǎnle xīn sōngle bǐcǐ de jùlí
Occasionally my heart softens, and forgot to keep a distance

寂寞总提醒 我必须先照顾我自己
Jìmò zǒng tíxǐng wǒ bìxū xiān zhàogù wǒ zìjǐ
But loneliness is always around to remind me that I have to learn to put myself first

轻轻聊天或写信 不用太多的关心 
Qīng qīng liáotiān huò xiě xìn bùyòng tài duō de guānxīn
The causal chat or letter doesn’t require too much thoughts

Méiyǒu shé me yìyì
What’s the meaning in that?

我不说我祝福 我不祝你幸福
Wǒ bù shuō wǒ zhùfú wǒ bù zhù nǐ xìngfú
I’m not going to say I wishing for your happiness, because I am not wishing for it

我要我们明白 不够爱就放开
Wǒ yào wǒmen míngbái bùgòu ài jiù fàng kāi
I want both of us to understand that we should release each other should we not love each other

Bù huànxiǎng jiù méi gǎnchù
Without fantasizing for nothing, there will not be all these emotions

Bù qídài jiù bùzàihū
Without anticipations there will be not expectations

Wǒ bù zhùfú
I am not wishing you happiness

总有一天 我能控制想念 
Zǒng yǒu yītiān wǒ néng kòngzhì xiǎngniàn
One day I will be able to control my mind

能上线留言 能简单面对
Néng shàngxiàn liúyán néng jiǎndān miàn duì
I will be able to leave you messages and learn to face things simply

矛盾之间 我始终了解 
Máodùn zhī jiān wǒ shǐzhōng liǎojiě
Amidst the conflicts I begin to understand

Shíjiān bùnéng jiějué yīqiè
Time doesn’t heal everything

我不说我祝福 我不祝你幸福
Wǒ bù shuō wǒ zhùfú wǒ bù zhù nǐ xìngfú
I’m not going to say I wishing for your happiness, because I am not wishing for it

我不想去证明 你和我是个错误
Wǒ bùxiǎng qù zhèngmíng nǐ hé wǒ shìgè cuòwù
I don’t want to be the one to prove that we are a mistake

我不说我祝福 我不祝你幸福
Wǒ bù shuō wǒ zhùfú wǒ bù zhù nǐ xìngfú
I’m not going to say I wishing for your happiness, because I am not wishing for it

我不想去证明 我们是个错误
Wǒ bùxiǎng qù zhèngmíng wǒmen shìgè cuòwù
I don’t want to be the one to prove that we are a mistake

Fàng dé xià jiù bù gūdú
I won’t be lonely once I can let go of this

Zhàn dé yuǎn xiē jiù qīng chǔ
I’ll see it clearer when I keep my distance

Wǒ bù zhùfú
I am not wishing you happiness

Wǒ bù shuō
I don't say

Wǒ bù zhùfú
I am not wishing you happiness

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