Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Types of Energy Sources" - Hai adik adik yang baiuk hati,. pada kesempatan yang baik ini masih bersama kakak, nah kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun dan kakak rangkum dari materi buku tematik kelas 4 SD/MI tentang mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris,. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Types of Energy Sources" |
I Love Reading
Types: Jenis
Energy: Energi
Sources: Sumber
Important: Penting
Lives: Kehidupan
Need: Membutuhkan
Sun: Matahari
Big: Besar
Role: Peran
Source: Sumber
Earth: Bumi
Geothermal: Panas bumi
Influences: Pengaruh
Human: Manusia
Earth: Bumi
Plant: Tumbuhan
Animal: Hewan
Also: Juga
Besides: Selain
Cooking: Memasak
Washing: Mencuci
Bathing: Mandi
Water wheel: Kincir air
Petroleum: Minyak bumi
Source: Sumber
Citizens: Warga
Obligation: Kewajiban
Renewed: Diperbarui
Formation: Pembentukan
Requires: Membutuhkan
Long time: Waktu lama
Demand: Permintaan
Continues: Terus
Inventory: Persediaan
Decrease: Mengurangi
Government: Pemerintahan
Wisely: Dengan bijak
Produces: Menghasilkan
Affect: Mempengaruhi
Wind: Angin
Water Energy
Water is one source of energy, our body need the water to move. Not only the humans, plants, and animal also need water. Besides to drink, the water also used for cooking, washing, bathing. The water is also using as a source of electrical energy, one of them using a water wheel.
Energy is very important for our lives, all living things need energy. The sun has a big role in life because the biggest energy source on earth is the sun, Geothermal influences the activities of humans and other living things on the earth.
Answer the following question!
1. What is the biggest source on the earth?
Answer: The sun
2. Why the sun has a big role in life?
Answer: Because the sun is the biggest energy source on the earth
3. Who needs water for lives?
Answer: Human, plant, and animal
4. What is the benefit of water for lives?
Answer: Cooking, washing, bathing and source of electrical energy
5. What the tool is using to produce electrical energy?
Answer: Water wheel
Petroleum is one source of energy. We as a citizens have the rights to use the petroleum in our activities. We also has an obligation to save on the of petroleum. The petroleum is an energy source that cannot be renewed because the formation process requires a long time. The demand for petroleum continues to decrease, for that the government calls for wisely using petroleum.
Beni: “Hi, Lani. Do you know , what is the biggest energy source?”
Lani: “Hi Beni. The biggest energy source is the sun”
Beni: “Why”
Lani: “Because the sun produces heat that affect the activities of human
and other living things on the earth”
Beni: “Oh I see”
Lani: “Energy sources not only the sun, water and wind are also the
sources of energy”
Beni: “What is the energy can be produced from water?”
Lani: “Water can produce electrical energy through a water wheel”
1. What are the various of energy sources?
Answer : Sun, wind, water, petroleum
2. The water mill is moved by …..
Answer: Water
3. What is the xample of energy that cannot be renewed?
Answer: Crude oil
4. Why petroleum cannot be renewed?
Answer: Because the process of forming petroleum requires a long time
5. How to save the petroleum energy?
Answer: Use petroleum wisely
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