Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Human And The Environment" - Hai adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan yang baik ini kakak ingin memberikan materi untuk adik adik yang duduk dibangku kelas V SD/MI, materi ini kakak rangkum dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mengenai "Human And The Environment" . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Human And The Environment" |
Cycling is a fun and healthy activity. Bicycle is a transportation that is cheap, practical, easy to drive, and environmentally friendly because it does not cause pollution, maintain and improve the health of our body. The Cycling can tighten the muscles of the body, calves, thighs, hips, and arms.
The benefit of cycling are making the heart healthy, promoting the blood circulation and oxygen, maintaining stamina and endurance, losing weight, burn calories in the body, reduce the risk of diabetes, and reduce stress.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. What are the advantages of a bicycle?
Answer: Bicycle is a transportation that is cheap, practical, easy to drive, and environmentally friendly
2. Why the bicycle is environmentally friendly?
Answer: Because bicycle does not cause pollution, maintain and improve the health of our body
3. Mention 3 benefit from cycling for the body?
Answer: Making the heart healthy, promoting blood circulation and oxygen, maintaining stamina and endurance
4. What the diseases can be overcome by cycling?
Answer: Diabetes, stress
During holidays, Beni cycling along rural roads. Beni arrived in the vegetable garden. Beni immediately get off the bicycle and approached Mr. Anto
Beni: “Good morning Mr. Anto, are you busy?”
Mr. Anto: “Good morning Beni, I’m harvesting mustard greens and lettuce”
Beni: “Can I help you?”
Mr. Anto: “Of course, one of my employees is sick, so I lack people to harvest this vegetable”
Finished harvesting the lettuce. Beni help Mr. Anto harvest cabbage.
Mr. Anto: “This time the harvest is very good”
Beni: “Right, the shape is like a ball”
Mr. Anto: “Do you like playing football?”
Beni: “Yes Mr. Anto, I’m like playing football”
Beni is very happy can help Mr. Anto. He invited Beni and other workers to rest.
Variety Flora and Fauna In Indonesia
The factor of the Variety Flora and Fauna In Indonesia
The Plants will grow well if the land is fertile. Example, The land in Kalimantan is more fertile than the land in Nusa Tenggara.
The plants in tropical climates will flourish because they have enough sunlight and water.
The benefit of water for plants are to absorb, dissolve and bring food to plants. The area with high rainfall have high variety.
>Biotic Factors
Humans influence the survival of flora and fauna, such as house construction, land clearing, and illegal hunting. Animal and plant, for example the food chain.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Mention the factors that influence the diversity of flora and fauna!
Answer: Land, Climate, Water, Biotic factor
2. Mention the area that have fertile land according to the text!
Answer: Kalimantan
3. Why the plants in the tropics flourish?
Answer: Because plants in tropical climates have enough sunlight and water
4. What are the benefits of water for plants?
Answer: To absorb, dissolve and bring food to plants
5. Mention the human activities that affect the survival of fauna and flora !
Answer: House construction , land clearing, and illegal hunting
The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia
Transition type:
- In the regions of Sulawesi, Maluku, and Nusa Tenggara
- The animal like deer, anoa, pigs, bears.
- The reptile animals is lizard and komodo
- The bird animal like maleo, parrot, hornbill
Asian type:
- In the regions of Java, Sumatra, Bali, and Kalimantan.
- The animal like elephant , bulls, tigers, buffaloes, orangutans, and monkey.
- The reptile like snakes, lizards, crocodiles.
- The bird animal like crows, owls, eagles.
Australian type:
- In the region of Papua, Halmahera
- The animal like bears, kangaroos, Wallabies, and bats
- The reptile animal like snake, crocodile, monitor lizard
- The bird animal like cassowary, parrot, namudur
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Mention the Asian type region!
Answer: Java, Sumatra, Bali, and Kalimantan
2. Mention the animals Asian type!
Answer: Elephant , bulls, tigers, buffaloes, orangutans, monkey
3. Mention the Autsralian type region!
Answer: Papua, Halmahera
4. Mention the Transition type region!
Answer: Sulawesi, Maluku, and Nusa Tenggara
5. Mention the reptile animals Transition type!
Answer: Lizard and komodo
6. Mention the bird animals Australian type!
Answer: Cassowary, parrot, namudur
7. Mentiom the bird animals Asian type!
Answer: Crows, owls, eagles
- Bersepeda: Cycling
- Menyenangkan: Fun
- Menyehatkan: Healthy
- Murah: Cheap
- Praktis: Practical
- Mudah dikendarai: Easy to drive
- Ramah: Friendly
- Lingkungan: Environmentally
- Menimbulkan: Cause
- Polusi: Pollution
- Meningkatkan: Improve
- Mengencangkan: Tighten
- Otot: Muscles
- Betis: Calves
- Paha: Thighs
- Pinggul: Hips
- Lengan: Arm
- Manfaat: Benefit
- Jantung: Heart
- Darah: Blood
- Daya tahan: Endurance
- Menurunkan berat: Lose weight
- Mencegah: Reduce
- Membakar: Burn
- Risiko: Risk
- Keuntungan: Advantages
- Penyakit: Diseases
- Diatasi: Overcome
- Keanekaragaman: Variety
- Tumbuhan: Flora
- Hewan: Fauna
- Iklim: Climate
- Tropis: Tropical
- Berkembang: Flourish
- Cukup: Enough
- Sinar matahari: Sunlight
- Tanah: Land
- Tumbuh: Grow
- Subur: Fertile
- Daerah: Region
- Manfaat: Region
- Menyerap: Absorb
- Melarutkan: Dissolve
- Rendah: Low
- Curah hujan: Rainfall
- Memengaruhi: Influence
- Kelangsungan hidup: Survival
- Konstruksi: Construction
- Lahan: Land
- Pembukaan: Clearing
- Pemburuan: Hunting
- Rantai makanan: Food chain
- Persebaran: Distribution
- Wilayah: Region
- Banteng: Bull
- Kadal: Lizard
- Buaya: Crocodile
- Gagak: Crow
- Burung hantu: Owl
- Eagle: Elang
- Rusa: Deer
- Babi: Pig
- Beruang: Bear
- Rankong: Hornbill
- Kangguru: Kangaroos
- Walabi: Wallabies
- Kelelawar: Bat
- Biawak: Monitor lizard
- Kasuari: Cassowary
- Nuri: Parrot
- Namudur: Namudur
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