Contoh Soal Review , Expressing Hope and Wishes in Various Contexts

Contoh Soal Review , Expressing Hope and Wishes in Various ContextsPeople say that if we wish upon a shooting star, it will come true. Unfortunately, seeing a shooting star is not something that happens every day. Nobody can tell if wishing-upon-a-shooting-star legend is true. However, just for fun, what will you wish for if you see a shooting star?
You may wish for things you don’t have, such as a million dollars, a new handphone, fancy clothes, holiday vouchers, a house, meeting Justin Bieber or Ariana Grande or maybe you just wish for a super big sized strawberry ice cream. 
There are two interacting verbs related to our topic. They are wish and hope. Some of you may have been using them incorrectly.
Contoh Soal Review , Expressing Hope and Wishes in Various Contexts


“I wish Adam was still alive.”

The sentence above can be used to express ….


To be a successful pianist is all I want in the future.

The sentence above can be used to express....

Find a sentence to express past wishes.

At a café
Ari : What time is it?
Dinda : If we miss the bus, you are the one to blame Ari. You came so late. 
Ari : ....
Fatir : I hope so.
The correct sentence to complete the dialogue above is ….

Among the options below. Identify an expression which is used to express future wishes.


I wish I had worked harder.

From the sentence above, we know the fact that …

In an office
Ari : What are you doing fat? You look terrible. What’s wrong?
Fatir : I missed the tele-conference. I wish I came a little bit earlier. 
Ari : Oh, the boss will be so mad at you.
Fatir : I know. May he forgive me this time.
Ari : I really hope so.
The expression of hope that we can find in the dialogue above is ….

In an office
Ari : What are you doing fat? You look terrible. What’s wrong?
Fatir : I missed the tele-conference. I wish I came a little bit earlier. 
Ari : Oh, really? Well, the boss will be so mad at you.
Fatir : I know. May he forgive me this time.
Ari : I really hope so.
Select the option which is true based on the dialogue above …

The following sentences are NOT in a good order. Construct them into a good narrative dialogue.
  1. Kiki : The other contestants are way better than me. I wish I didn’t underestimate them.
  2. Diana : That’s okay. You can join the next competition.
  3. Diana : Hi Kiki. I heard that you joined the English Competition last week.
  4. Kiki : Yes but I lost.
  5. Diana : Really? But your English is really good
Diana : Hi Kiki. I heard that you joined the English Competition last week.
Kiki : Yes but I lost. 
Diana : Really? But your English is really good.
Kiki : The other contestants are way better than me. I wish I didn’t underestimate them. 
Diana : That’s okay. You can join the next competition.
The synonym of the underlined word is …


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