Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Togetherness in Diversity" - Hai adik adik yang baik pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang bisa adik adik pelajari dirumah, materi ini kakak rangkum dari buku tematik kelas iv sd/mi, yang sudah dirangkum menjadi satu dari mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris dalam pembahasan "Togetherness in Diversity". Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Togetherness in Diversity" |
Cooperate In Diversity
Edo and his friend got the task of hold sound experiments, after school they gathered at the Edo house.
Each carrying the necessary equipment, Siti and Udin asked permission to do pray when the call to prayer was heard. they worked together enthusiastically, they lived in harmony, help each other despite different religious.
At the anniversary of indonesia’s previous independence day, Udin, Edo, and Beni represented their class in the team clog race, before perfoming they together discussed and arrange the strategy to become a champions in the race. They together showed the best effort when the race took place, and the results they win the championship.
Udin, Edo, and Beni are best friend, they come from different cultures, and have different religions. Difference are not a barrier to working together, they help each other and doing the work that must be done together.
Learn From The Story
Mr Burhan always start an activities in class by telling stories, each child gets the opportunity to tell stories. This morning Mr Burhan invited to share stories about the feast day.
Edo : “On the 24th my family gather at the Opa house, Opa cook a special meal namely Papeda, our family gathered and prayed, on the 25th we went to church”
Siti : “At Eid Al – Fitr also gathered and apologized to each other after worshiping at the mosque”
Udin : “During Eid Al – Fitr there were also specials foods, namely ketupat and chicken opor”
Dayu : “In Bali before the Galungan feast, the whole village is decorated using coconut leaves, we ussually gather with family and worshiping in the temple”
Lani : “On Vesak day, my family also gathered at grandma’s house, my mother and grandmother also cooked special food, besides that we also help other people who needed a help. In the Monastery filled with candles to carryout rituals of worship”
Answer the following questions!
What is the special food on Christmas?
Answer: Papeda
2. When is the day of Christmas?
Answer: December 25th
3. What is the special food on Eid Al- Fitr?
Answer: Ketupat and chicken opor
4. What is the name of feast day Hindusm?
Answer: Galungan
5. What is the decorations are used to decorate during the
Answer: Coconut leaves
- Cooperate: Bekerjasama
- Diversity: Keberagaman
- Task: Tugas
- Hold: Melakukan
- Experiments: Percobaan
- After: Setelah
- Gathered: Berkumpul
- Carrying: Membawa
- Necessary: Yang diperlukan
- Equipment: Peralatan
- Asked permission: Meminta izin
- Worship: Beribadah
- Prayer: Sholat
- Sounded: Terdengar
- Enthusiastically: Antusias
- Lived: Hidup
- Harmony: Rukun
- Help: Membantu
- Despite: Meskipun
- Different: Berbeda
- Religious: Agama
- Previous: Sebelumnya
- Independence: Kemerdekaan
- Represented: Diwakili
- Clog race: Balap bakiak
- Discussed: Dibahas
- Arrange: Menyusun
- Srategy: Strategi
- Become: Menjadi
- Champions: Juara
- Race: Lomba
- Showed: Ditampilkan
- Effort: Usaha
- Took: Mengambil
- Result: Hasil
- Win: Menang
- Championship: Kejuaraan
- Learn: Belajar
- Tell story: Bercerita
- Start: Memulai
- Activities: Aktivitas
- Each: Masing – masing
- Gets: Mendapat
- Opportunity: Kesempatan
- Invited: Mengajak
- Share: Berbagi
- Feast day: Hari raya
- Gathered: Berkumpul
- Meal: Makanan
- Prayed: Berdoa
- Church: Gereja
- Apologized:Meminta maaf
- Each: Setiap
- Mosque: Masjid
- Before: Sebelum
- Whole: Seluruh
- Village: Kampung
- Decorated: Menghias
- Coconut leaves: Janur
- Ussually: Biasanya
- Temple: Pura
- Vesak: Waisak
- Besides: Selain
- Monastery: Vihara
- Filled: Diisi
- Candles: Lilin
- Carry out: Melaksanakan
- Rituals: Ritual
Answer the following questions!
1. What is the special food on Eid Al- Fitr?
Answer: Ketupat and chicken opor
2. What is the name of feast day Hindusm?
Answer: Galungan
3. What is the decorations are using to decorate during the Galungan?
Answer: Coconut leaves
4. Where is the Buddhist place of worse?
Answer: Monastery
5. What is the objects are using for Buddist worship?
Answer: Candles
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