Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Hero My Pride" - Hai adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai rangkuman materi yang kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik adik kelas IV SD/MI, materi ini kakak siapkan dalam bentuk ringkasan yaitu reading, writing, task dan vocabulary . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Hero Is Figher" |
Sultan Hasanuddin
Sultan Hasanuddin is the king of Gowa-Tallo Islamic Kingdom in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Sultan Hasanuddin was nicknamed by the Netherlands “Ayam Jantan Dari Timur” because he was persistant and dared to fight the Netherlands. He defended the interests of the people with persistent.
Because of his struggle and services, the name of Sulltan Hasanuddin was enshrined as a street name, university in Makassar, and geting the title of National Hero. After his death, Sultan Hasanuddin was buried in the burial complex of the kings of Gowa in South Sulawesi. The king's funeral complex is a historical heritage that needs to be preserved and used as a historical learning place for the Indonesian people.
Sultan Hasanuddin is a wise person, and he is sad because he fights with Arung Palakka La Tenri Tatta to Erong, someone considered like his own family. Sultan Hasanuddin tried to combine the power of the kingdom to fight the Netherlands.
Answer the questions according to the text!
1. Who is the king of the Gowa Tallo kingdom?
Answer: Sultan Hasanuddin
2. What country is fighting the kingdom of Gowa Tallo?
Answer: Netherlands
3. What is the nature of Sultan Hasanuddin?
Answer: Persistent, brave, and wise
4. Why did Sultan Hasanuddin get the nickname of “Ayam Jantan Dari Timur” ?
Answer: Because he was persistant and dared to fight the Netherlands
5. How does Sultan Hasanuddin fight Arung Palakka La Tenri Tatta to Erong?
Answer: Sultan Hasanuddin tried to combine the power of the kingdom to fight the Netherlands.
- Raja: King
- Kerajaan: Kingdom
- Selatan: South
- Dijuluki: Nickname
- Gigih: Persistent
- Berani: brave
- Melawan: Fight
- Belanda: Netherlands
- Membela: Defended
- Kepentingan: Interests
- Bijaksan: Wise
- Sedih: Sad
- Bertempur: Fights
- Berusaha: Tried
- Menggabungkan: Combine
- Kekuatan: Power
- Perjuangan: Struggle
- Jasa: Services
- Diabadikan: Enshrined
- Jalan: Street
- Universitas: University
- Mendapatkan: Get
- Gelar: Title
- Pahlawan: Hero
- Nasional: National
- Dimakamkan: Buried
- Pemakaman: Burial
- Komplek: Complex
- Sejarah: Historical
- Peninggalan: Heritage
- Perlu: Needs
- Dijaga: Preserved
- Digunakan: Used
- Tempat: Place
Mrs. Fajri: “Today we will learn about my hero my pride”
Student: “Okay Mrs. Fajri”
Mrs. Fajri: “Who is the father of Indonesian edocation(Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia)?”
Edo: “Ki Hajar Dewantara”
Mrs. Fajri: “When was Ki Hajar Deantara born?”
Lani: “Ki Hajar Dewantara was born May 2, 1889”
Mrs. Fajri: “What was established by KI Hajar Dewantara for Indonesia Education?”
Udin: “Taman Siswa”
Mrs. Fajri: “When is Indonesia national day?”
Dayu: “ May 2”
Mrs. Fajri: “What is the real name Ki Hajar Dewantara?”
Beni: “Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat”
Mrs. Fajri: “When was a Taman Siswa established?”
Meli: “July 3, 1992”
On 3 July 1922 Ki Hajar Dewantara founded the Taman Siswa College, the first national school for Indonesian people. Taman Siswa is a form of struggle against invaders for Indonesian independence. Ki Hajar Dewantara got the title “Bapak Pendidikan Nasional (The Father of Indonesian Education)” and the date of birth, May 2 was celebrated the day of National Education.
Ki Hajar Dewantara's real name is Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat. he was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889 and School in Yogyakarta and Stovia. The Stovia is a medical school in Jakarta for Indonesian people.
Answer the questions according to the text!
1.What did Ki Hajar Dewantara services for Indonesia?
Answer: Fighting for Indonesia education by establishing Taman Siswa
2. Why Ki Hajar Dewantara known as “Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia” ?
Answer: Because Ki Hajar Dewantara services are very big in education.
3. What is the attitude can we take from Ki Hajar Dewantara?
Answer: Persistent, smart, brave, fighting for all
4. What is Ki hajar Dewantara date of birth?
Answer: he was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889
5. What is the first national school for Indonesian people?
Answer: Taman Siswa College
- Pembelajaran: Learning
- Sejarah: History
- Asli: Real
- Lahir: Born
- Kedokteran: Medical
- Mendirikan: Established
- Pertama: First
- Nasional: National
- Orang: People
- Bentuk: Form
- Perjuangan: Struggle
- Melawan: Against
- Pengacau: Vanders
- Kemerdekaan: Independence
- Dapatkan: Gottle
- Lahir: Birth
- Terkenal: Celebrated
- Hari ini: Today
- Akan: Will
- Belajar: Learn
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