Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Hero Is Figher" - Halo adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan yang baik ini masih bersama kakak, kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak rangkum, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik adik yang duduk dibangku kelas IV SD/MI, tentang pembahasan "My Hero Is Figher", Beserta kakak juga menyiapkan Vocabulary, reading, writing dan task . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Hero Is Figher" |
Balaputradewa was the king of the Sriwijaya kingdom. Sriwijaya kingdom located in Palembang. Balaputradewa became the king of Sriwijaya kingdom in 850 M. Sriwijaya reached its peak in the fields of economics, education, and culture.
Balaputradewa struggling to build a strong marine fleet, its makes the shipping lane safe. Economic improvement is obtained from payments, takes, and trade profit tribute. Sriwijaya development into a large and prosperous kingdom. The inheritance of the Sriwijaya kingdom is the Muara Takus temple
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. What was the result of the king’s stuggle in the Sriwijaya kingdom?
Answer: Struggling to build a strong marine fleet
2. When is Balaputradewa becoming a Sriwijaya kingdom?
Answer: 850 M
3.Where is the location of Sriwijaya kingdom?
Answer : Pelembang
4.What is the purpose Balaputradewa to build a strong fleet?
Answer : To make the shipping lane safe
Penataran Temple Complex
The grandeur and greatness of the Penataran temple complex prove the struggle and role of figures in the Majapahit kingdom. Penataran temple was build during the Kediri kingdom and was used in the Majapahit kingdom.
In the temple complex there are statues Bale Agung, inscriptions, and temples. The temples is a dragon temple with 4,83 meters wide. 6,57 meters long and 4,70 meters high. While the sacread temple is the Main temple which consists of three terraces and 7,19 meters high.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. When was the Penataran temple built?
Answer : During the Kediri kingdom
2. What found in Panataran temple?
Answer: There are statues Bale Agung, inscriptions, and temples
3. What is the size of a dragon temple?
Answer: 4,83 meters wide. 6,57 meters long and 4,70 meters high
4. What is the main temple?
Answer: The main temple ia the most sacred temple
5. What is the size of the main temple?
Answer: 7,19 meters
Mrs. Fajri: “Today we will play a guesses about kingdom in Indonesian”
Students: “Okay miss”
Mrs. Fajri: “Who is the king of Sriwijaya kingdom”
Udin: “Balaputradewa”
Mrs. Fajri: “Where is the Sriwijaya kingdom?”
Lani: “In Palembang”
Mrs. Fajri: “What is the inheritance of Sriwijaya kingdom?”
Dayu: “Muara Takus temple”
Mrs. Fajri: “What is the heritage of the Majapahit kingdom?”
Meli: “Penataran temple”
Mrs. Fajri: “What is the name of the statue in Penataran temple?”
Edo: “Bale Agung”
Mrs. Fajri: “Good, everyone can answer my question”
Students: “Thankyou miss”
- Raja: King
- Kerajaan: Kingdom
- Menjadi: Became
- Tercapai: Reached
- Puncak: Peak
- Bidang: Field
- Ekonomi: Economics
- Pendidikan: Education
- Budaya: Culture
- Berjuang: Struggling
- Membangun: Build
- Strong fleet: Armada laut
- Purpose: Tujuan
- Membuat: Make
- Pengiriman: Shipping
- Jalur: Lane
- Aman: Safe
- Peningaktan: Improvement
- Diperoleh: Obtained
- Inheritance: Peninggalan
- Upeti: Tribute
- Pembayaran: Payments
- Keuntungan: Profits
- Perdagangan: Trade
- Hasil: Result
- Pengembangan: Development
- Besar: Large
- Makmur: Prosperous
- Candi: Temple
- Komplek: Complex
- Kemegahan: Grandeur
- Kebesaran: Greatness
- Membuktika: Prove
- Perjuangan: Struggle
- Peran: Role
- Tokoh: Figures
- Kerajaan: Kingdom
- Arca: Statues
- Prasasti: Inscriptions
- Naga: Dragon
- Suci: Sacred
- Teras: Terraces
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