Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Jobs and Literacy" - Hai adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun sedemikian rupa, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas IV SD/MI tentang materi Jobs and literacy yang dilengkapi dengan reading, writing dan taks . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Jobs and Literacy" |
Thank You Komala Nurses
I get dengue virus, and needed to be hospitalized. I was scared and cried because I had to sleep in a strange place, treated by foreigners. My mother calm me and promised she will always be near me. I must to sleep in a strange place, and used infusion. In the hospital I met Komala nurses.
She was a very friendly because I was afraid when I would use an infusion in my hand. She invites me to tell a story. Komala nurse also gave me a story books when I was left by my mother so that i don’t feel lonely. 5 days after being hospitalized. I am healthy . Thankyou, Komala nurses.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Who is the nurse who care to me?
Answer: Komala
2. What did mother when I get dengue virus?
Answer: Bring to the hospital
3. How is the nurse taking care of me?
Answer: She was a very friendly
4. What’s she give for me?
Answer: Story books
5. What did the nurse when I was afraid use infusion?
Answer: She invites me to tell a story
Best Friend Of The Earth
Tonight I accompanied my father to work, my father is an architech. I sit in beside my father drawing table, l saw my father thinking, looking for ideas, drawing lines, measuring, and making pictures. I was amazed with my father skills, designing buildings.
Being an architect must be wise because it is not only drawing but also giving advise to customers in designing the building. My father designed an environmentally friendly house. The material used is not only trees and bamboo, the room has many windows and air ducts so there is no need to use air conditioners. Father also designed energy-efficient homes with lots of glass, so no light was needed from morning to evening.
If I grow up I want to be an architect who became a friend of the earth.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. What is the profession of Beni’s father?
Answer: architech
2. What is the jobs of an architech?
Answer: Designing buildings
3. What is benefit of the house that has many windows?
Answer: Its no need an air conditioner
4. “ Skill” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Kemampuan
5. “Best Friend Of The Earth” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Sahabat bumi
- Terkena: Get
- Rumah sakit: Hospitalized
- Takut: Scared
- Menangis: Cried
- Tidur: Sleep
- Aneh: Strange
- Dirawat: Treated
- Orang asing: Foreigners
- Tenang: Calm
- Berjanji: Promised
- Dekat: Near
- Infus: Infusion
- Bertemu: Met
- Ramah: Friendly
- Takut: Afraid
- Menggunakan: Use
- Tangan: Hand
- Mengajak: Invites
- Tell: Bercerita
- Memberi: Give
- Buku cerita: Story book
- Merasa: Fell
- Kesepian: Lonely
- Sehat: Healthy
- Membantu: Helped
- Tersenyum: Smile
- Sahabat: Best friend
- Bumi: Earth
- Malam ini: Tonight
- Menemani: Accompanied
- Arsitek: Architect
- Duduk: Sit
- Meja gambar: Drawing table
- Melihat: Saw
- Berpikir: Thinking
- Mencari ide: Looking for idea
- Menggambar: Drawing
- Garis: Lines
- Mengukir: Measuring
- Membuat: Making
- Gambar: Pictures
- Kagum: Amazed
- Keterampilan: Skills
- Merancang: Designing
- Bangunan: Buildings
- Bijak: Wise
- Saran: Advice
- Bahan: Material
- Pohon: Tress
- Bambu: Bamboo
- Ruangan: Room
- Memerlukan: Require
- Ramah lingkungan: Environmentallyfriendly
- Pendingin ruangan: Air conditioning
- Jendela: Window
- Saluran udara: Air ducts
- Hemat energi: Energy efficient
- Mempunyai: Have
- Tumbuh besar: Grow up
- Menjadi: Became
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