Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Parents Work"

Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Parents Work" - Halo adik adik yang baik, nah pada kesempatan kali ini masih bersama kakak bospedia yang ingin membagikan materi belajar yang berbentuk rangkuman untuk adik adik kelas IV SD/MI dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang "My Parents Work" . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Jobs Around Me"
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Parents Work"


My father worked as a woodworker. My father made a table and chairs. The process of making a chair is to prepare wood first, cut it, form a chair, smooth it out and paint it. The time needed to make a chair is 1 week. My father sells tables and chairs to furniture stores. People ussually buy tables and chairs made by my father In the furniture stores .

Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. What is the product are produced by Father Beni?
Answer: Table and chair

2. What is Beni father needed?
Answer: Wood

3. How long does to make a chair?
Answer: 1 week

4. What is the wood craftsmen have to do?
Answer: Prepare wood first, cut it, form a chair, smooth it and paint it

5. “ Woodworker” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Tukang kayu


My mother’s work is a souvenir craftsman from used a goods, the souvenirs produced are tissue boxes and key chains. Utilizing used goods into something of value,getting money, protecting the environment. Craftsmen who use goods, process used goods into the goods that can be sold and make money, also reduce the waste pile.

How to process waste

We must reduce the use of packaging items.

Choose items that can be used repeatedly, and avoid disposable use.

Useless items can be recycled.

Examine the items we use everyday. Replace the item that can only be used once. Example of shopping using a bag or basket.


Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. What the product are produced according to the text!
Answer: Tissue boxes and key chains

2. Specify the benefits of used goods!
Answer: Utilizing used goods into something of value,geting money, protecting the environment, and reduce the waste pile

3. Specify how the process of making waste!
Answer: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace

4. What is the meant of reuse?
Answer: Choose items that can be used repeatedly, and avoid disposable use.

5. Mention the example of the Replace waste process!
Answer: Shopping using a bag or basket


  • Orang tuaku: My parents
  • Pekerjaan: Work
  • Ayah: Father
  • Menyiapkan: Prepare
  • Membutuhkan: Needed
  • 1 week: 1 minggu
  • Menjual: Sells
  • Mebel: Furniture
  • Toko: Stores
  • Tukang kayu: Woodworker
  • Proses: Proccess
  • Kayu: Wood
  • Biasanya: Ussually
  • Membeli: Buy
  • Souvenir: Souvenir
  • Pengrajin: Craftsman
  • Menghasilkan: Produced
  • Kotak tisu: Tissue boxes
  • Gantungan kunci: Key chains
  • Memanfaatkan: Utilizing
  • Sesuatu: Something
  • Nilai: Value
  • Mendapatkan: Getting
  • Uang: Money
  • Melindungi: Protecting
  • Lingkungan Hidup: Environment
  • Sampah: Waste
  • Tumpukan: Pile
  • Mengurangi: Reduce
  • Pengemasan: Packaging
  • Barang: Items
  • Penggunaan kembali: Reuse
  • Berkali –kali: Repeatedly
  • Hindari: Avoid
  • Sekali pakai: Disposable
  • Mendaur ulang: Recycle
  • Tidak berguna: Useless
  • Mengganti: Replace
  • Memeriksa: Examine
  • Setiap hari: Everyday
  • Contoh: Example
  • Berbelanja: Shoping
  • Tas: Bag
  • Keranjang: Basket
  • Belajar: Learned
  • Bahan: Ingredients
  • Botol plastik: Plastic bottle
  • Mengajarkan: Teach
  • Tentu: Of course


Siti: “Hi, Beni”

Beni: “Hi, Siti”

Siti: “What is your parents’ job ?”

Beni: “My father is a woodworker”

Siti: “What did your father make?”

Beni: “My father made chairs and tables”

Siti: “What is needed to make chairs and wood”

Beni: “The material needed is wood, what is the work of your parent Siti?”

Siti: “My parents work is a souvenir craftsman”

Beni: “What does your parents usually do?”

Siti: “Usually my parents make tissue boxes and key chains”

Beni: “Do you often help your parents?”

Siti: “Of course, I also learned from my mother”

Beni: “Usually use what ingredients your parents make souvenirs?”

Siti: “My mother use items that are not used”

Beni: “For example?”

Siti: “Use plastic bottles”

Beni: “Do you want to teach me make souvenirs?

Siti: “Of course”


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