Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Jobs Around Me" - Hai adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan yang cerah ini, kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak rangkum jadi ppt yang bisa adik adik download pada link dibawah, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang "The Jobs Around Me". didalm materi ini sudah dilengkapi dengan Reading, writing dan taks. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Jobs Around Me" |
Mr. Made is a painter. Many paintings are sold in his galleries. Mr. Made often gets orders for face painting or other forms. while Mr. Toni is a tailor, Mr. Toni accepts orders for people who will make clothes. Althought difference they are good friends. Everyone works differently, never feel that our work is better than someone else’s work. Every job is same and its benefit to other.
Aswer the following questions according to the text!
1. What’s the job of Mr. Made?
Answer: Painter
2. What did Mr. Made produce from the job?
Answer: Paintings
3. What’s the job of Mr. Toni?
Answer: Tailor
4. What kind of the work Mr. Made and Mr. Toni produce?
Answer: The Work that is produces a goods
5. “ Tailor” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Penjahit
Mr. Welly is the headmaster of the Cemara elementary schoool in Grobogan, Central Java. In this school, students come from various regions.
One of them is Sudin from Grobogan. He likes reading, self confidence, and he is a good at speaking. Mr. Welly wanted Sudin to take a speech competition, but he was confused about getting funds. Mr. Welly is thinking of harvesting banana. In the morning Mr. Welly gathered the school people to harvest bananas and auctioned of local officials. Funds collected for Sudin to participate in the speech competition. Sudin became the first winner of the speech competition.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. What is the job of Mr. Welly?
Answer: Headmaster
2. Who participated in the speech competition?
Answer: Sudin
3. What is Mr. Welly hope?
Answer: Mr. Welly want Sudin take in the speech competition
4. What did Mr. Willy for the speech competition?
Answer: Harvest the bananas and auctioned to local officials
5. “ Headmaster” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Kepala Sekolah
The job produces a goods
The Work produces a goods is the work that produces a goods used by other people, for example farmers, fishermen, breeders, and craftsmen.
The job produces a services
The job produces a services is the work that produces a service for other people and does not produce a goods, for example teachers, police, drivers, doctor, and army.
- Pekerjaan: Jobs
- Sekitar: Around
- Ku: Me
- Pelukis: Painter
- Lukisan: Paintings
- Dijual: Sold
- Galeri: Galleries
- Pesanan: Orders
- Muka/wajah: Face
- Bentuk: Forms
- Penjahit: Tailor
- Menerima: Accepts
- Membuat: Make
- Pakaian: Clothes
- Meski: Althought
- Berbeda: Difference
- Setiap orang: Everyone
- Pernah: Ever
- Merasa: Feel
- Bekerja: Work
- Sama: Same
- Manfaat: Benefit
- Kepala sekolah: Headmaster
- Sekolah dasar: Elementary school
- Murid: Students
- Berbagai: Various
- Daerah: Regions
- Percaya diri: Self confidence
- Pidato: Speech
- Lomba/ kompetisi: Competition
- Bingung: Confused
- Mendapatkan: Getting
- Dana: Funds
- Berpikir: Thinking
- Memanen: Harvesting
- Mengumpulkan: Gathered
- Vocabulary
- Melelang: Auctions
- Pejabat daerah: Local officials
- Dikumpulkan: Collected
- Menjadi: Became
- Juara pertama: First winner
- Bekerja: Work
- Menghasilkan: Produces
- Barang: Goods
- Petani: Farmers
- Nelayan: Fisherman
- Peternak: Breeders
- Pengrajin: Craftsmen
- Jasa: Services
- Guru: Teachers
- Polisi: Police
- Supir: Driver
- Dokter: Doctor
- Tentara: Army
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