Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Animals and Plant in My Home"

Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Animals and Plant in My Home" - Halo adik adik yang baik, nah pada kesempatan yang baik ini masih bersama kakak, nah kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai Rangkuman Materi yang telah kakak susun untuk adik adik kelas 4 SD/MI, tentang mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris mengenai "Animals and Plant in My Home",. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Animals and Plant in My Home"
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Animals and Plant in My Home"


The seeds of rice growth soaked in water it’s planted in temporary rice fields, the seeds are ready to be transferred to rice fields, the seeds will grow raw, then farmers provide pesticides and irrigate rice plants for flowering until the grain is cooked in yellow, the grain is rice grains wrapped in the grain skin.

Rice is an important plant in Indonesian, many residents consume it. Rice can grow in hot areas with high rainfall. Rice producing areas are West Java, East Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, and North Sumatra, while the largest rice products is Karawang, West Java.

Rice growth occurred 110 to 130 days, after harvest, the wheat was milled. The contents are colored white, reddish, purple, or black called rice.


Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. Mention the rice producing areas!
Answer: West Java, East Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, and North Sumatra

2. Where’s the biggest rice producing area?
Answer: Karawang, West Java

3. Why rice plants are important for the people of Indonesia?
Answer: Because people Indonesia consumes a rice

4. How long does the plant grow?
Answer: 110 to 130 days
5. What is the mean of a grain ?
Answer: The grain is rice grains wrapped in grain skin


The Flowers around Lani’s house looks very fertile and colorful. Lani is very diligent in treating the flowers. She watered it every day and give a fertilizer regularly. The Flowers make Lani’s house environment beautiful and cool to the eye. Some types of fragrant flowers makes the air fragrant in the environment of Lani's house.

Every plant has useful parts for other living things. Among these plants, some have flowers.


Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. What are your obligations to the plants?
Answer: Treating by watering every day, fertilizing regularly

2. Mention the benefits of flower!
Answer: Make the environment cool, beautiful, and fragrant

3. How about the flowers is around the house of Lani’s house?
Answer: Looks very fertile and colorful

4. What did Lani do with her flower plants?
Answer: She watered it every day and give fertilizer regularly

5. What is the effect of the fragant flowers ?
Answer: The fragant flowers Making the air fragrant in Lani’s
home environment


Udin: “What are you doing Lani?”

Lani: “I’m watering a plant”

Udin: “Your plants are beautiful and colourful”

Lani: “Thankyou Udin, I always treat of my plant”

Udin: “How to treat the right plants?”

Lani: “the Plants must be watered regularly”

Udin: “When is the right time to watered the plants?”

Lani: “Morning and evening”

Udin: “should we fertilize the plants everyday?

Lani: “No, giving fertilizer the plants can once a week”


  • Animal: Hewan
  • Plant: Tumbuhan
  • Envirionment: Lingkungan
  • Important: Penting
  • Rice: Beras
  • Grow: Tumbuh
  • High: Tinggi
  • Rainfall: Curah hujan
  • Regions: Daerah
  • West: Barat
  • East: Timur
  • Central: Tengah
  • South: Selatan
  • North: Utara
  • Largest: Terbesar
  • Paddy: Padi
  • Growth: Pertumbuhan
  • Seeds: Benih
  • Soaker: Direndam
  • Temporary:Sementara
  • Seeds: Biji
  • Moved: Dipindah
  • Farmers: Petani
  • Provide: Memberi
  • Pesticides: Prestisida
  • Irrigate: Mengairi
  • Flowering: Berbunga
  • Cooked: Matang
  • Wrapped:Terbungkus
  • Grain: Gabah
  • Wheat: Gandum
  • Skin: Kulit
  • Occurred:Terjadi
  • Harvest: Panen
  • Milled: Digiling
  • Contents: Isi
  • Every: Setiap
  • Has: Memiliki
  • Useful: Berguna
  • Parts: Bagian
  • Among: Diantara
  • Flower: Bunga
  • Looks: Terlihat
  • Very: Sangat
  • Fertile: Subur
  • Colorful: Aneka warna
  • Diligent: Rajin
  • Watered: Menyiram
  • Regularly: Teratur
  • Beautiful: Indah


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