Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Save Energy" - Hai boy and sis, how are you? nah pada kesempatan yang baik ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik kelas IV SD/MI tentang pembahasan dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang diambil dari Buku tematik "SAVE ENERGY" tentang "literacy",. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Save Energy" |
Energy Savings
Bindi ‘s school from home is quite faraway, Bindi has to walk 50 km and need 1 hour to get to school, so Bindi departs early in the morning, Bindi diligently sets aside his allowance to buy a bicycle. Bindi always refused his father to deliver Bindi to school using a motorcycle, it’s a energy saving . The energy saving by walking or riding a bicycle is an action to reduce air pollution from vehicle fumes.
Answer the following questions correctly!
1. What’s Bindi does to save energy?
Answer: Walk to school
2. What’s Bindi wants to buy?
Answer: Bicycle
3. Why Bindi refused to be delivered by his father?
Answer: Because it’s a saving energy
4. How do save energy?
Answer: Walk or ride a bicycle
5. How Bindi achieved the desire to buy a bicycle?
Answer: Bindi is diligent sets aside money
Green Tree, Cool The Earth
When school holiday, Beni vacationed at grandfather’s house. Grandfather’s house on the mountain, the air is cool, and lots of green trees. Grandfather’s house is not wide but grandfather’s garden is very wide. Grandfather has a rambutan, mango, kelengkeng, and sapodilla tree. Grandfather planted the tree by himself, Beni was happy because it’s could feel the various fruits from grandfather’s garden.
Every Beni visits grandfather’s house, grandfather always plant a tree in the afternoon even though there are still many tress in the garden, grandfather explaines that never stop planting the trees, the trees planted now will not be enjoyed now. The benefit of the tree is giving oxygen to the environment, to help storing water in the soil, to feed a food, cooling the earth, and to prevent a global warming.
- Quite: Cukup
- Far: Jauh
- Walk: Berjalan
- Need: Membutuhkan
- Hour: Jam
- Departs: Berangkat
- Early: Awal
- Diligently: Rajin
- Sets
- aside: Menyisihkan
- Pocket money: Uang saku
- Buy: Membeli
- Bicycle: Sepeda
- Refused: Menolak
- Deliver: Mengantarkan
- Motorcycle: Sepeda motor
- Arguing: Dengan alasan
- Act: Bertindak
- Reducing: Mengurangi
- Polution: Polusi
- Vehicle: Kendaraan
- Fumes: Asap
- Vacation: Liburan
- Grandfather: Kakek
- Mountain: Gunung
- Air: Udara
- Trees: Pohon
- Wide: Luas
- Sapodilla: Sawo
- Feel: Merasakan
- Explained: Menjelaskan
- Never: Tak pernah
- Planting: Menanam
Answer the following questions correctly!
1. What did Beni do during school holidays?
Answer: Vacation at grandfather’s house
2. How was the situation at grandfather’s house?
Answer: The air is cool, and lots of green trees
3. What’s the plants planted by grandfather?
Answer: Rambutan, mango, kelengkeng, and sapodilla tree
When is the right time to plant trees?
Answer: In the afternoon
5. What are the benefits of tree for life?
Answer: Give oxygen to the environment, to help a store water in the soil, to feed a food, cool the earth, and to prevent a global warming.
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