Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Loving the Environment" - Halo adik adik yang baik dimana saja berada, nah pada kesemaptan yang baik ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini kakak ambil dari kelas IV SD/MI yang sudah kami rangkum dalam format powerpoint tentang bahasa inggris dalam pembahasan "Come On, Loving the Environment" ,. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Loving the Environment" |
Trip To The Village
During the school holidays, Dayu, Udin, Siti, Lani, Beni, and Edo cycle in the rural area. They saw the large trees and the beautiful scenery, there are mahogany trees, tamarind trees, and mango trees. They meet with Mr. Jajak who is collecting dried leaves into a sack and will take him home.
Dayu: “What is the function of the leaves?”
Mr. Jajak: “it’s making compost, let’s go to the garden”
Mr. Jajak invites Dayu and friends to visit the garden, in the garden Mr. Jajak also kept a variety animals, such as hens, ducks, goats, and buffalo.
Mr. Jajak told that the leaves were mix of making compost.
How make a compost by mixing the dried leaves with the animal waste, then stacking them, and leaving them for 2 months and become compost.
Mr. Jajak: “Compost is preferred by farmers because it is cheap, easy to make and good for increasing crop yields.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. What do Dayu and friends do during school holidays?
Answer: Cycle in rural area
2. What are Dayu and friends in rural area saw?
Answer: They saw large trees and beautiful scenery
3. Who met Dayu while in the village?
Answer: Mr. Jajak
4. What was made by Mr. Jajak?
Answer: Compost
5. What is the ingredient needing to make compost?
Answer: Dried leaves with animal waste
6. What the rules to make compost?
Answer: Mixing dried leaves with animal waste, stacking them, and leaving them for 2 months and become compost
- Trip: Perjalanan
- Village: Desa
- During: Selama
- Hilodays: Liburan
- Cycle: Bersepeda
- Rural: Perdesaan
- Saw: Bertemu
- Large: Besar
- Trees: Pohon
- Scenery: Pemandangan
- Mahogany: Mahoni
- Tamarind: Asem
- Collecting: Mengumpulkan
- Dried: Kering
- Leaves: Daun
- Sack: Karung
- Compost: Kompos
- Garden: Kebun
- Variety: Bermacam-macam
- Mix: Mencampur
- Waste: Kotoran
- Become: Mejadi
- Preferred: Lebih disukai
- Farmers: Petani
- Cheap: Murah
- Increasing: Meningkatkan
- Crop: Tanaman
- Yields: Hasil
- Go: Pergi
- Market: Pasar
- Went: Ingin
- Buy: Membeli
- Broom: Sapu
- Look: Terlihat
Going To Market
From school, Udin, Lani, and Beni go to market. Beni goes to the market to buy a broom for his mother. At that time the market look crowded. They enter the market.
Not long after Udin closed his nose because of the stench, they immediately buy a broom.
Udin: “Beni, let’s go, it smell bad”
Beni: “Let’s go”
Lani: “Why smell so bad”
Beni: “Because a lot of garbage is not throw in its place”
Udin: “This is can cause flooding, what should we do?
Beni: “We have to throw the garbage in place”
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. What are they buy in the market?
Answer: Broom
2. Why Udin close the nose?
Answer: Because of the stench
3. What is the causes the market to smell?
Answer: Because a lot of garbage is not thrown in place
4. What happens if garbage is not thrown in place?
Answer: Flooding
5. What should we do to prevent the bad smell?
Answer: We must throwing the garbage in its place
- Crowded: Ramai
- Enter: Masuk
- After: Setelah
- Nose: Hidung
- Stench: Bau
- Immediately: Segera
- Smell bad: Bau tidak sedap
- Garbage: Sampah
- Thrown: Dibuang
- Flooding: Banjir
Give an v in the picture that shows the plants and animals that are maintained!
Example :
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Loving the Environment" |
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