Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Diversity of Sentient Beings"

Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Diversity of Sentient Beings" - Hai adik yang baik yang sedang mencari materi Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas IV SD/MI, kebetulan kakak menyediakan materi tersebut untuk adik adik, namun materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Tematik tentang "Come On, Love The Environment" ,. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Love The Environment"
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Diversity of Sentient Beings"



Buterfly is includes in the group of insects that have beautiful colors, the life cycle of butterfly comes from egg attached to the leaves, then hatches for 5 – 10 days into a larvae.

After 2 weeks, the larvae (caterpillars) form cocoons that depend on twigs or leaves for 2 to 3 weeks. After a while, the adult butterfly comes out of the cocoon

Buterfly is known as an insect pollinator that makes flowers become fruit, for farmers butterflies are useful to help pollinate the plants.


Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. The life cycle of butterfly comes from….
Answer: Egg

2. The second butterfly life cycle is……
Answer: Larvae

3. The third butterfly life cycle is….
Answer: Cocoon

4. When the egg hatch into a butterfly?
Answer: 5 – 10 days

5. What are the benefit of the butterfly?
Answer: Butterfly are known as insect pollinators, it’s help the farmers to pollinate the plants


The Characteristic of an animal life and the special characteristic
A Lizard runs with creeping. The Lizard has an adhesive on the soles of the feet so that it can crawl on the wall.
The Lizard has a long sticky tongue, so it can catch prey
Lizard measuring 7 – 10cm.
The Lizard can break their tail (autotomy) to protect

A Bats lives in the dark places like the roofs of houses and caves. the bats also make a sounds with high frequencies and also have a good hearing and sensitive to receiving sounds. The bats do activities at night. There are 2 types of bats, fruit-eating bats and insectivores.

A Chameleon can change the color of its skin according to the colour around it (mimicry), for example when it is on the green leaf the colour can turn green. When it is on a tree trunk that is brown, the color can turn brown. The Chameleons change its skin color to protect themselves. The chameleons also have a tongue that exceeds their body length.


Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. The Animal that has the adhesive on the sole of his foot is…..
Answer: Lizard

2. How the size of lizard?
Answer: 7 – 10 cm

3. Lizard can decide the tail that is called .....
Answer: Autotomy

4. The Animal that have good hearing is…..
Answer: Bat

5. Where is the bat live?
Answer: In Roof of the house and the cave

6. When the bats do their activities …..
Answer: At Night

7. Mention 2 types of the bats!
Answer: Fruit – eating bats and insectivores.

8. What is an animal can change the colour of skin?
Answer: Chameleon

9. Changing the color of the chameleon skin is….
Answer: Mimicry

10. What is the purpose of chameleon changing skin color?
Answer: To protect themselves


  • Butterfly: Kupu – kupu
  • Includes: Termasuk
  • Insects: Serangga
  • Beautiful: Indah
  • Colour: Warna
  • Originates: Berasal
  • Egg: Telur
  • Leaves: Daun
  • Larvae: Larva
  • Hatch: Menetas
  • Cocoon: Kepompong
  • Pollinators: Penyerbuk
  • Farmers: Petani
  • Useful: Berguna
  • Benefit: Manfaat
  • Characteristic: Karakteristik
  • Life: Hidup
  • Lizard: Cicak
  • Creeping: Merayap
  • Adhesive: Perekat
  • Soles: Telapak kaki
  • Feet: Kaki
  • Crawl: Merayap
  • Wall: Dinding
  • Sticky: Lengket
  • Tongue: Lidah
  • Catch: Menangkap
  • Prey: Mangsa
  • Measurin: Berukuran
  • Decide: Memutuskan
  • Tail: Ekor
  • Protect: Melindungi
  • Bats: Kelelawar
  • Live: Hidup
  • Dark: Gelap
  • Vocabulary
  • Roofs: Atap
  • Houses: Rumah
  • Caves: Gua
  • Make: Mengeluarkan
  • Sounds: Suara
  • High: Tinggi
  • Frequencies: Frekuensi
  • Hearing: Pendengaran
  • Sensitive: Peka
  • Receiving: Menerima
  • Types: Jenis
  • Eating: Makan
  • Fruit: Buah
  • Insect: Serangga
  • Chameleon: Bunglon
  • Change: Perubahan
  • According: Menurut
  • Around: Sekitar
  • Example: Contoh
  • Green: Hijau
  • Leaf: Daun
  • Tree: Pohon
  • Trunk: Dahan
  • Brown: Coklat
  • Protect: Lindungi
  • Tongue: Lidah
  • Exceeds: Melebihi
  • Length: Panjangnya


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